We are located on the road that goes to El Chontal. To reach us you will drive from Quito towards Mindo. After you reach the town of Nanegalito, and much before you reach Mindo, you will find a turnoff to Pacto to the right in km xx. You go on this road for about 13 km until you reach the turnoff to El Chontal to the right; take this dirt road for 17 km and you will see our farm on the left hand side. Please drive in and we will meet you at the parking lot. If you reach the Rio Guayllabamba, then you have gone too far.
It is necessary that you contact us ahead of time to make reservations at 0982671837. If you are calling internationally then call at 593-982671837.
GPS 0.228750, -78.741633 (Aproximate) Look for the farm.